What are Cuban & Puerto Rican Salsa - Hva er kubansk & puertorikansk salsa 


Salsa dance has evolved into different styles and one of the most common styles are Cuban, also referred to as the "original" style. In Cuba it was primarily danced in the streets and at social gatherings. In the Cuban salsa (Casino) one uses the body's natural movements, and being inspired by the music is an essential part of the dance. Couples move in circles around each other, in contrast to the Puerto Rican style where the couple "swap places" in a straight line (source: Wikipedia).


Salsa har utviklet seg til forskjellige stiler, der en av de mest vanlige er den kubanske, også gjerne kalt den "opprinnelige" stilen. På Cuba har salsa tradisjonelt vært danset i gatene og i sosiale sammenhenger. I kubansk salsa, eller casino, bruker man kroppens naturlige bevegelser, og inspirasjon fra musikken er en essensiell del av dansen. Paret som danser beveger seg i sirkler rundt hverandre, til forskjell fra linje-stilen i salsa der parene «bytter plass» på en linje (kilde: Wikipedia).  


Rueda de Casino is Cuban salsa (couples) dancing together in a circle. One person (cantante) calls out the name of the figures which everybody in circle carry out simultanously.


Rueda de Casino er kubansk salsa (par) som danses i ring. Én person i ringen (cantante) kaller navnet på de ulike figurene som alle parene i ringen skal danse samtidig.

For more info on Cuban salsa (casino) and Rueda de Casino / mer informasjon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rueda_de_Casino


It’s the same as line style, linear or crossbody/X-Body Style. 

What does that mean?

Salsa has many different styles. The most well know are Cuban, LA and NY, but there are also Cali, Miami, etc. These styles all have certain characteristics and can be traced back to some specific origin. In SalsaNor we teach 2 styles of salsa. Cuban, and the other one. The other on can best be described as a fusion of LA style and NY style, among others. It is danced On1 and shares the common characteristic of being danced on a line, hence it is commonly known as line style.

Ok, but why Puerto Rico?

Although most agree that the heritage of salsa can be traced back to Cuba, there is no denying that Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican musicians and dancers also has had a tremendous impact on its development. But more importantly, it's what millions of people call it in other parts of the world. Although line style and crossbody style is most common in Northern Europe, in other places such as France, Italy, parts of Latin America and the US and probably many more, Puerto Rican, is the most common name.

So now I have to call it Puerto Rican Salsa?

You can call it whatever you want! It just means that we will be calling it Puerto Rican salsa in our advertising. When we explain to our beginners about the different styles, we will also explain that other people often call it line style or crossbody style, or even LA or NY style.