Salsa i Ilaparken søndag 25. juli

Publiseringsdato: Jul 24, 2010 11:48:31 AM

Se event

Though the YR and STORM weather forecasts for Sunday afternoon do not quite agree, we choose to trust the sunny version and announce:

- SUNDAY SUMMER SALSA & RUEDA party in Ilaparken starting approx. 17:00 (or a bit earlier with barbecuing option), going on until approx 20:00.

Nothing is more SUMMER IN TRONDHEIM than relaxing on the green grass of Ilaparken with some cold refreshments and barbecue food, whilst listening to party latin music! And our friends in Ila Velforening have offered to lend us a couple of barbecues this sunny Sunday afternoon.

=> If you would like to bring your friends & food & beverages to barbeque in Ilaparken before dancing, WRITE A SHORT COMMENT TO THE EVENT event stating how many you are and when you would like to start - eg from approx 16? I will then confirm on Sunday whether barbeques will be made available or not (depending on your interest)

Note: This event may be canceled at short notice on Sunday if too few respond, or the weather turns out too bad. Check the event comments at FaceBook before leaving for Ilaparken!